Think about changing globally
Once upon a time I used to check the web to see if there was anything written on me.
I have always thought the internet was something cool, and not cool. It’s cool because it does some international stuff and folks. For an example, I appeared in places with folks that didn’t speak English.
The web isn’t cool because I am an old man. Many of the best things I’ve done in my life happened before 2002, when the web started to get serious. There are some pretty good things and some of were recognized with awards and things like that.
Even so you would think the folks in their 50s would still be racking things up nowadays.
I used to check the web on myself every week to see what’s there on me. I kept up with that until a little while ago. I wanted to see what was on me – and believe it or not there is some stuff.
Checking yourself every week is a good idea for any writers. It’ll give you some idea what people are saying about your books. Most kinds of medias turn out to be very interesting stuff. People will hate you and others will love you.
I want to give you an example of a few places I’m in on the mall. Some of them are pretty far out.
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